Scared to bulk reddit

Scared to bulk reddit. They're not the cleanest food, but they're not terrible for you. Just increase to 2-300 calories above maintenance and you should start to see improvement in your lifts. I noticed that my weight was steadily increasing First of all, if you don't wanna bulk you don't have to you can still gain muscle But if you wanna bulk fo it the right way : increase your calories progressively, if you eat healthy food and enough protein you won't gain much fat, almost exclusively muscle. 12M subscribers in the Fitness community. That’s you not missing 90% of your workouts. So I'm planning on starting a slow and steady bulk on my birthday, October 1st. I've been training for around 2-3 years now and I've seen a plateau in my progress lately, and I think it's time I go on a bulk The only problem with this is, I used to be really heavy around 17 stone and I've lost the weight down to around 13 stone and I'm very happy with this result, since then I've always really remained on a calorie deficit or maintained my weight never gained any weight Help me out guys, im addicted to having abs. If you’re maintaining or cutting you can still add about 6-8lbs of muscle through newbie gains over the stretch of a year while dropping fat. Just stick to the diet that made you lose all that weight, and up the calories by about a 100 every week. Look better. It also helps that it's my favorite drink. • 6 yr. Clean bulk by reverse dieting. A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. i'm still afraid to bulk tbh. Just increase your calorie intake by about 300cal/day and you will gain very slowly (about 0. Thanks! You really 6'1, 165lbs - been trying to bulk on 3,200 calories a day. Investing into a map is not an issue once you're confident in your build, skill, game knowledge w/e. Electronic-Dot7904. Doesn't keep crisp, might be able to re-crisp, though. With some revenue I may create a dedicated website aswell as the eBay account with the purpose of selling products at a minimal markup in bulk. But you are not going to "maingain" your way to being the most lean, ripped 160lb guy on the planet. It's all party of the gym journey bro. Hard cut (-500-1000 kcal) for 2 months. First step is getting the gym membership, I was afraid people would make fun of me, but they even spotted me, and told me ways of doing the exercise. 7inch arms, 37inch chest, 29. You can do a slow bulk. So yeah, get the right kind of peanut butter and increase to 6 tablespoons a day! Keep it up! The cut -> bulk transition is the one to worry about. 0 grams of protein for every pound of bodyweighr. As a formerly overweight guy, it's hard to mentally prepare myself for purposefully gaining weight. Someone who is bulking can add about 10 lbs of muscle through newbie gains and gain 5-10lbs of fat as well. Rather you should follow the recommended 500 kcal surplus / 1lb/week gain. Don't burn it. This is a serious sub for anyone that wants to know whether they should bulk or… View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Bulked - looking to cut scared of losing muscle 6ft 25 male bulked from 140lbs to 170lbs in 3 months, put on decent amount of muscle and quite bit of fat and I’m pleased with the result. Hard gainers just lack the appetite to bulk with a normal diet in most cases even with high willpower. Been trying to bulk up and I’m scared I’m starting to loose my aesthetics due to fat gain. I usually have a lot of success during the week and slip on the weekend a Cutting will lower your energy but won’t affect your gains too much. 7inch waist gaining belly fat on a This is a serious sub for anyone that wants to know whether they should bulk or cut for cosmetic appearances, general health, and/or fitness goals. Don't just jump from 1600 to 2100. I started going to the gym on November 1st, going 3 times per week, and weighed in at 57 kilograms. You won't add any more muscle with greater surplus, just additional fat. In 2022 ( 15 right now M ) I was also scared to bulk I didn't eat any breakfast and would even sometimes skip lunch beacause I was scared For some the answer is obvious - if you are underweight and want to put on muscle, you should eat at a caloric surplus (bulk); if you are overweight and want to lose fat, you should eat at a caloric deficit (cut). Reply reply. My point is: don’t be afraid! Muscle make you strong, lean, athletic and sexy as well! Keep up the good work! Nervous as hell about bulking and getting fat as fuck. I've managed to keep down much fat addition in my bulk (obviously I have gained a bit). Just focus on working out while starting to eat normal (2,500-3000 kcal) and also stop looking at the scale throw it out if you have but I would not recommend a calorie surplus but try to eat a lot of protein I would recommend 1. At this point I’m completely torn between attempting maintenance or beginning a lean bulk (1-200 kcal surplus). I'm so damn nervous about it though. Gain very slow (1 lb per month) for a solid two years. Duncanconstruction. Straight up tastes like Nesquick. Eat a banana for a week everyday in the morning. Yes, very scared, but so excited to be free of crazy landlord syndrome! Make sure you get a top notch home inspector, don’t skimp on that. jaxnhobo. Then start a clean and healthy bulk. Now I’m trying to bulk but I’m scared of getting fat again. Powder, milk, yogurt, oats (nuke in a bowl of water for 1 min), banana, ice, blender, DONE. Reduce your caloric surplus by 100, test after 1-2 weeks if your lifts are still progressing, rinse, repeat until you find your maintenance, and try maintenance +10%. The reason people bulk in the winter is because most people don’t know how to properly bulk and end up fat. 5inch waist after first mini cut: ~142lbs, 12. GoBBills456. I have been lifting on a caloric deficit of 1000 cal for a while now, and I've reached my goal weight of 165lbs. You look good. I'm a 16 years old male, weighting 55kg(121lbs if I'm not mistaken), and I'm 172cm tall. 82 votes, 12 comments. Or, if you're "skinny-fat," you're afraid of becoming just fat-fat. Only a little, but you will. princessareeb. Every time I've gone straight from a deficit to a surplus, I've ended up regaining some of the lost fat very quickly. So im kinda confused and dont know if im doing things right. This ensures that you maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. Everyone will say to eat +200 calories and track your intake to the gram, and that's the correct way to lean bulk, but if you are actually, literally scared, you need the help of a therapist, not reddit. Scared of getting fat while bulking. 5kg. Keep bulking up or cut back down again? I was also scared to bulk up after being fat, but it's so worth it if you do it properly. My goal is to be noticeably fit for a trip first week of July. I’ve started eating at a surplus of 200 kcal and this week weighed in at 193. Anyone else afraid of being fat? I'm 17/M and 6'0". By knowing that I am the strongest and biggest I have ever been in my life, and that If I keep bulking I will only get stronger and bigger. My TDEE is around 1900 and since January I've been trying to be in a 400 calorie deficit. Reverse diet in the opposite direction. Please help!! Pretty damn important. Should I continue bulking or start cutting? 23yr 5’10 male, I’m currently 146. I’m afraid to tone down the amount of colors because it might ruin the quality. If you're gaining 2-3 lbs per month, or a pound per month, eating at whatever surplus you're at, then it's enough. I feel like the "invest in your maps" advice is more geared towards experienced players trying to become better at the game. I’d say bulk for 2 months then cut. After a week try adding boiled egg and banana. Putting even more fat for longer periods of time is just not the healthy route. 6inch arms, 37inch chest, 27. but lean bulking is the way to go, i did a body recomposition too but it takes a long time to see results. Muscle gains and progression will be slower, but you gain fat slower too. • 2 yr. What do I do? Sorry if this sounds stupid I'm new to this. The thing is I still feel like I'm fat. Sort by: Best. 12 and 10. I’m spending basically hours researching everything exercise related to get my loose skin to tighten up and so far everyone recommended the bulk and to cut right after. Telling a new player to invest into his maps is like telling a homeless person to invest into stocks. I think that you’re afraid to lose what you’ve worked hard for and therefore don’t want to bulk. I currently eat 2300 calories a day. Being strong, capable of blasting through life and feeling good, isn't a male/female/circle thing, it's a human thing. Do a lean bulk where you gradually increase calorie intake by 100-150 extra a week (or if you're REALLY scared and time isn't too limited even stay at the new calorie level for two weeks), then up it by another 100-150 etc until you get to the size/weight you want. Make sure you work out consistently and eat between a 300-500 calorie surplus max. It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. Then add another 150 for another 2-3 weeks, while you begin to increase your lifting volume. LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). 72K subscribers in the BulkOrCut community. Reply. It’s worth noting I’ve been overweight/obese since like elementary (weight loss start from 260) until 2023 and then I’ve gone as low as to 155lbs. 28 votes, 37 comments. 1" on the waist isn't a whole lot of fat, that is near invisible, even in pictures, unless you are very lean. However I’m scared because I do not want to go back to the overweight me, I’m worried I won’t get that motivation again that I got in the summer. I've been training for around 2-3 years now and I've seen a plateau in my progress lately, and I think it's time I go on a bulk The only problem with this is, I used to be really heavy around 17 stone and I've lost the weight down to around 13 stone and I'm very happy with this result, since then I've always really remained on a calorie deficit or maintained my weight never gained any weight Take a break from dieting, eat at maintainance and just enjoy life and training for a while, and you'll hopefully feel ready to bulk soon. To answer your question, if you are continuously managing to eat double of what you are supposed to then that is more of you breaking your diet Bulking does increase your body fat percentage. Hello everyone. Soy milk promotes estrogen, you might want to go for almond milk. Shake washed leaves in a bag with some sesame oil and salt or a little sweet soy, and roast slowly in an oven (convection ovens are great). Finding sources of self-esteem unrelated to appearance is all kinds of healthy. Fairlife at Costco. 5lbs and I’ve been bulking for a little while. I personally use lots of olive oil, nuts, peanut butter etc to get easy calories in as a hard gainer most of the time. After kinda measuring my bf% before starting to bulk I came to a bf of 17% -18% Waist: 87cm Hip: 91cm Neck: 37cm Now my waist is about 91cm and i dont really like that much because my sides just look kinda ugly. When I just need a quick protein fix: that plus milk in a blender. But for those beginners who are neither under- nor over-weight, the so-called "skinnyfat", the choice between whether to cut or bulk A lot of people have lost weight and been scared to put weight back on but if you have an eating disorder I think you should take care of that before anything else. If you’re not ready to commit to the plan, you probably are not ready to bulk. I’d shift to maintenance now and work the weight you’ve gained into muscle. Im also very scared of becoming fat again. 8-2. bkc56. first picture is 3 weeks before i started 2 picture is peak bulk 170 3 picture is half way through the cut down to 150 do not get discouraged if you’re already chubby to bulk i started with a bulk eating 500 calories over my resting metabolic rate but if you hit the gym and do your cardio that fats gonna cut down and you’re gonna get newbie gains Bro. 15 lbs is a lot at your height. Tucanaso. If you are doing it right you'll be gaining fat at somewhere between 1/16-1/8" on the waist per week on average. I go through a couple of pints a day. yeah only eat a bit more than maintenance calorie. i started at 192lbs and was pretty fat. I have absolutelly no idea as far as Bodyfat percentages and stuff like that go, because I'm not willing to pay a whole bunch of extra money to my gym to find out. Doing my due diligence it seems feasible. Thanks in advance!! 5. 74K subscribers in the BulkOrCut community. 1. If you are gaining faster than you want, taper down on calories some. I have been told that I should bulk now and I am very light for my height. this way your body gets more slowly accustomed to the extra calories and you don't feel like you're stuffing yourself. By counting your calories and protein intake and not eating more than a 200 calorie surplus, you will ensure optimal muscle gain with minimal fat gain. I’ve came up with a plan to Bulk for 12 weeks My bulk… Business, Economics, and Finance. Try to go three months where, 90% of the time, you meet your weekly gym goal. Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and… I would just like to add to all the great support that don’t forget, women hormones won’t allow you to bulk up like Stallone, therefore us women have to work twice as hard for less muscle mass. don'g pig out. You can take off any fat you put on in like 4-6 weeks of careful dieting. Expect to be about the same weight at the end with up to 4-5+ pounds more muscle and up to 4-5+ pounds less fat. Crypto Considering starting a small ecommerce company buying bulk products from china via alibaba and the like to sell them primarily on eBay. 25K subscribers in the GregDoucette community. That way you ensure the fat you're getting is purely peanut oil, and the rest is, well, peanut stuff. Lean bulk (+250-500 kcal per day) for three months. I’m eating 3100 calories a day currently but don’t know when I should stop the bulk and go back to cut. Scared to start lean bulk. Track everything, measure everything, log weight daily, and you will be in control of your own body composition and you’re not going to get overly fluffy. If you can’t prove your ability to be consistent even when faced with adverse or abnormal days, then you’re not ready to bulk. Next, make sure you get homeowners insurance right away, that helped my anxiety tremendously, knowing the biggest purchase of my life was protected. I was also scared to bulk after losing a lot of weight, but it's quite liberating realising that you don't just explode back up to 100kg in a month, it's quite hard gaining weight of quality, unprocessed foods. the best way to bulk without gaining too much excess fat (because you will gain a little, it's just natural) is to just slowly increase your calorie intake by 50-100 cals a week. for example mine went like this: start: ~115lbs, 10inch arms, 33inch chest, 27inch waist, 5'7 end of first bulk: ~147lbs, 12. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Then again, the point is that it's an easy bulk food. 5lbs/week if you're counting correctly). If you want to bulk without fear of gaining weight, you will need to count macro’s very closely. I am a teen who used to be really fat but now I’m pretty shredded and I’m scared to bulk. Hi! I made the decision to clean bulk as I was previously too skinny and wanted to add some muscle mass. I use ON Gold Standard Chocolate. add in a snack or two, or a high calorie healthy Should I bulk or continute cutting? I'm Male, 17, 5'7 61. I started my weightlifting journey 8 months ago at about 15% body fat, 5’10 and 150 lbs, skinny fat. I consume around ~8 cups a day. Your muscle mass is quite low so I’d say bulk. And even if somehow you did, you're still going to be skinny! If you want to be muscular, you eventually need to add some size -- and to do that you need to bulk. Members Online Male, 21yo, 180cm/5’10, 91kg/200lb. If your abs stop being visible again, its time to cut back down. The majority of the people here on not fans of "lean-bulking" especially as a beginner when you will build muscle the fastest. This is a serious sub for anyone that wants to know whether they should bulk or cut for cosmetic… Man that's exactly the point - if you go for a limited surplus you'll be closer to the 1:1 p-ratio (and yes you're right to pop the bubble of people that maintain gaining "pure muscle" is possible if you're not a 16yo skinny teenager at peak puberty) compared to a traditional bulk when it's easy to fall into the 3:1 dreamer bulk scenario. To answer your question, if you are continuously managing to eat double of what you are supposed to then that is more of you breaking your diet [CHAT] Advice on buying DMC thread in bulk? I wanted to stitch this as a gift for my mom, but I have a small budget and it requires 285 different DMC colors. Or check it out in the app stores Home Im scared to bulk i get mad ladies with my abs :( Wondering what other people think about abusing unhealthy food during a bulk. How many calories should I be eating if I want to go on a very small lean-bulk? I'm 5'6 male, 22 years old, 150lbs and I do 1 to 1. I am in the exact same boat and started a dirty bulk anyway, which i do not recommend. •. My starting weight was about 145lbs and I'm hoping to get to around 130 eventually. In the past it was because you ate shit and didn't exercise properly right? So then why would you be scared to bulk and eat healthy foods while exercising unless you're planning on a dirty bulk. I lift 5 days a week and run 4 days a week. It most likely will take 3 months to even gain 1". I run 2 3ks every week to at least try to keep some fat off during my bulk in addition to healthy food. This advice isn't for the average person it's for the average skinny hard gainer. You will still gain fat but you can try to minimize it but not eating at too much surplus. mmmm. thanks, i'm going to try this. After you hit your goal weight for cutting, hold it for at least 2 weeks. Don't be afraid to tweak and experiment to find out what is best for your body. Practice consistency in the gym before you start bulking. I cannot for the life of me come to think of bulking will be good for me. Being nonchalant with your diet is a good way to either make no gains or to gain too quickly and gain too much fat. 5 weeks in and am worried at lack of progress - should I be? . 275K Members. 2inch waist now in progress second bulk: ~150lbs, 13. People call this a "lean bulk" as they gain weight/muscle without getting too much additional fat. Gmail is NOT a bulk e-mail provider. You will gain fat if you bulk, even if you slow bulk. As a natural, I did the 2+ lbs gain per month. 2. I did a dirty bulk about 4 years ago which was amazing, but I know that the older I get the less reckless I can be with my health. [deleted] • 1 yr. Just keep adding calories until it’s been few weeks of eating in the morning. Everyone around me is now telling me to bulk and put on muscles, i started to eat in a surplus a week ago and my weight got shot up by 5kgs mainly due to water gain but it made me bloody scared and today I couldn't eat in a surplus as i was busy so when i checked my weight it came back from 80kgs to 77kgs and i was happy. When you diet to lose weight, you do it slowly with healthy food groups like lean meat, healthy fats, complex carbs and loads of vegetables. January 2016. The good news is if you bulk for like say 3-4 months intelligently. I also don’t know a lot of good bulking foods except for Eggs, nuts. [deleted] OP • 9 yr. ago. A week of maintenance solves this nicely. You have a good frame, good definition and a solid ground for a lean bulk. Stuck in between wanting to cut or bulk I ended up going the bulking route; gaining 20 pounds in seven months all the while increasing all of my lifts significantly. (In September this year) Im scared to bulk in case I end up putting on too much fat and not enough muscle. Powder then add oats for more cals. Fast forward to today, and I now weigh 62 kilograms. You can also implement mini cuts. If you still find that you're gaining too much fat, you could try even less than that, but that's probably unlikely. You'll probably only have to cut for ~2 weeks to get rid of the fat from a 10 week bulk (assuming you're working out properly). Think about the foods you're going to bulk on, rice, beans, lean meats, greek yogurt, protein shakes, oatmeal, so on and so forth. I have 250ml in my morning shake, and then probably go through a liter when I get home from work. it's easier if you know you will cut after that anyway It's heart warming to see some of the traditional FUD about women lifting is starting to fall away. 2inch arms, 39 inch chest, 27. I get it. If you were able to lose all that weight, you'll be able to lean bulk. You can absolutely stop when you reach a point where you're like "ok, my legs/arms/whatever have enough muscle for my liking now". 5 hours of full body weight lifting 6 days a week. 2K subscribers in the Fitness_India community. Here's the thing, duderino: Eating "clean foods" in a dirty surplus will still make you gain excessive fat. Then add 150 per day for the next couple weeks. 2 for the past year pretty much and it's annoying, I would say cut, go on a keto diet for two months to get rid of the extra fat. Also Idk how to eat over 2600 calories, Im not even trying right now but I still eat under 2000. You’ll feel stronger and recover faster but the fat- especially in the belly at my age- is hard to get rid off come cutting season. Instead of going something like +500 calories, you can do +200 calories. Afraid of being skinny fat after cutting. 12 and I have a decent amount of muscle on my arms, slightly visible abs at about 11% BF but I'm too scared to put on fat to add more muscle, I've been hovering between 9. In order to bulk you need to 1) lift seriously for several years 2) eat lots of food and protein. You will lose it when you're done with your, say, 10 week bulk and start cutting to trim off the fat. AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member. Go to their bulk section and start matching the +500 calories and hit the gym consistently with workouts that you like to start, not workouts that will give you your most “optimal physique” necessarily, but ones that you find excitement in getting stronger with. Even if I go completely clean, I'm afraid of the long-term health effects like clogged arteries or heart problems. I’m wanting to get lean with decent muscle in the end and I’ve always struggled with losing fat and I’m scared to cut as I could lose the weight I’ve gained from my bulk. [deleted] • 9 yr. Welcome to the Reddit India’s Fitness Community! Ask questions, share your gym progress with others… TDEE calculator for height weight age bf%. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 197 Online. This subreddit is for all things Greg Doucette as well as fitness, strength, bodybuilding related… Get the type that is made solely out of peanuts (no coconut fat/palm fat/sugar amd whatnot). I’m the morning when you wake up you’ll be in the mood to want something light. I've always been scared to go on a bulk since I used to be very overweight so I don't want to go too high. I want to put on some muscle mass (get to 66-67kg) but I'm REALLY scared of getting overweight again I still feel chubby but I think I'm kinda light. That was a year ago, now I'm at 9. Also, get your calories in 2 hours before you sleep. All through my cut from 205 to 159 lbs, I was on an 1800-2000 calorie diet. These people generally hide the fat under a sweater/ jacket so that people assume they are getting bigger (more muscular) when in fact they’re getting fatter. Start small. But i disagree with that commenter telling you not to bulk. Scared to bulk- need some help! So I'm 5'2 and 133lbs and about 8 months into my fitness journey. Creating (or buying) bulk accounts for the purpose of marketing (ie, spamming) runs the risk of getting them all disabled for bulk or ToS violations. When crisp and dry, eat. I’m 6ft1 not sure my weight scared to weigh myself 84kg last time I checked BoC I went to the gym consistently for years but I became obsessed with it where I would hate myself if I ate unhealthy foods with friends, get mad at the scale if I was trying to lose weight, just hating myself and feeling like I was really fat. Award. trust me don't bet worried! Diet consists of: Pre gym (breakfast): 4 bagel halves covered in butter, 8-12oz chocolate milk and a banana. Big calories, not overly filling, delicious, cheap. qb od rm ix nj sj xj iv wx ji